Latest Episode
B.S. with Darren Knight AKA “Southern Momma”
Jaxon and Max sit down and chat with the hilarious comedian and all around great guy, Darren Knight. Darren is always touring and you can find his schedule and get tickets at https://comediandarrenknight.com/
The Story Behind Us...
Brain Snacks is ultimately the result of Jaxon and Max’s frustration with the constant negativity we’re bombarded with on a daily basis. Whether it’s the news, televison shows, streaming shows and even podcasts, Jaxon and Max wanted to put some more positivity out into the world. We would like to show everyone that it’s ok to be YOU! It’s ok to be vulnerable sometimes. Most importantly, it’s imperitive that we look within ourselves and be honest with what we find there.
Mad Jax and Max...
This is our FIRST remotely recorded episode! We will be releasing a new remote episode every THURSDAY. We will continue our normal in-studio recordings with our producers Dustin and Andrew, as time allows.
In this “new” format episode, Jaxon and Max get back to exploring and analyzing life and some much needed social commentary. Listen to hear how the boys have been blowing off steam and how they’ve dealt with some awkward situations. We hope you enjoy the show!
JFK Assassination Conspiracy Episodes
JFK Conspiracy Part 1: “Official Narrative”
In the first part of our dive into the JFK assassination, Jax and Max discuss the official narrative according to the Warren Report. Was Lee Harvey Oswald the lone assassin that killed JFK?
JFK Conspiracy pt2: CIA & Mafia Involvement
In the second part of our dive into the JFK assassination, Jax and Max discuss the conspiracy theory that the CIA and Mafia worked together to assassinate president John Fitzgerald Kennedy. How plausible is this theory?
JFK Conspiracy Part 3: Soviet Union/KGB Investigation
In the third part of our dive into the JFK assassination, Jax and Max discuss the Soviet Union/KGB Investigation. Due to the extremely high tensions due to the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Soviets were very keen to ensure that they were not blamed for the assassination. To our knowledge, no official accusation was ever directed towards the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union’s investigation was largely dismissed, however, due to mistrust of the “EVIL COMMUNISTS”.
JFK Conspiracy Part 4: The Three Tramps & Cuban Exiles
In this fourth part of our exploration of the JFK Assassination conspiracy theories, Jaxon and Max look into the “Three Tramps”. These three men were arrested immediately following the killing of JFK, but there is NO RECORD of them being processed.
Jaxon and Max also look into the “Cuban Exiles” conspiracy, that posited that displaced and angry Cuban Exiles killed Kennedy in retaliation for his lack of action in deposing Fidel Castro.
JFK Conspiracy pt5: Wacky Conspiracy Theories
In our fifth part of the JFK assassination conspiracy series, Jaxon and Max look into two of the “crazier” conspiracies. Was Jackie Kennedy involved? Or, was it the alien lizard people?
JFK Conspiracy Part 6: Plausibility and Wrap Up.
In the conclusion to our JFK conspiracy series, Jaxon and Max discuss the plausibility of some of these conspiracy theories and an additional BONUS theory. We hope that you’ve enjoyed this series. We also hope that you are willing to question the official narratives. Not everything is as it appears..